Perfectly good DIY Wedding ideas (not seriously ☺):
1. Music
Don’t spend money on a band or DJ. Just fill mason jars with water and have someone from your wedding party hit them with a spoon!
2. Photography
Don’t spend the high cost for a photographer! Simply set your camera to rapid fire and put it on top of a macarone tower. It’s your day, let the macarones do the work!
3. Releasing Doves
Use a fun, cheap alternative, cicadas! The officiate introduces you, and then release the cicadas. This is much better than doves because you caught them!
4. Bridal Party Attire
For matching bridesmaids and groomsmen, cover them in a coat of chalkboard paint.
5. Decorations
These are not tricky, it is so easy to trace your hand to look like a turkey. There are your decorations!
6. Flowers
Floral arrangements are outrageous! Use paper money to make bouquets to represent the real money you saved on flowers!
7. The Cake
How about cupcakes? Too much time and money. Just put out a jar of Nutella and spoons for the guests.
8. Petals/Bubbles
Yes, petals and bubbles are customary. Be different! Provide mason jars for your guests to throw!
9. Invitations
Make your own invites. Color hard boiled eggs in glitter, wrap them in maps, and splatter with nail polish. Your guests will get the idea!
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